Sometimes having an eating disorder can feel like you are drowning. Sometimes the eating disorder can feel like a life vest in the midst of a WORLD in which you are drowning.
Have you ever asked yourself, “what is the function of this behavior?,” or “what purpose does it serve?” Despite what you may think, eating disorders, and the thoughts and behaviors that come along for the ride, serve a purpose. From an external perspective, this may be hard to see. Even from your rational mind, it may seem contrary. Trust me, the purpose and function is there. In our work together, we will assess WHAT the function is, and HOW we can create more adaptive coping tools.
Another analogy I love to share with clients about the function of their eating disorder is The Log Metaphor by Dr. Anita Johnston:
“Imagine yourself standing in the rain on the bank of a raging river. Suddenly, the water-swollen bank give way. You fall in and find yourself being tossed around the rapids. Your efforts to keep afloat are futile and you are drowning. By chance, along comes a huge log and you grab it and hold on tight. The log keeps your head above water and saves your life. Clinging to the log you are swept downstream and eventually come to a place where the water is calm. There, in the distance, you see the riverbank and attempt to swim to shore. You are unable to do so, however, because you are still clinging to the huge log with one arm as you stroke with the other. How ironic. The very thing that saved your life is now getting in the way of where you want to go. There are people on shore who see you struggle and yell, “Let go of the log!” But you are unable to do so because you have no confidence in your ability to make it to shore.” -Eating in the Light of the Moon, Anita Johnston, Ph.D.
The log is your eating disorder, and together we will work to re-learn how to swim on your own. I will not take your log away. You will let go of it when you are ready. You need to feel empowered to let go of the log, and trust yourself to swim to shore. We will be a team in navigating this process; you do not have to do it alone.